treat for shirley

Shirley has been pretty good recently (and we are STILL battling fleas, so I feel sorry for her).  So, I got her a treat this weekend.  🙂

Before I even go the bone out of the bag, she knew what it was!

She begged on her own.  🙂

Receiving treat!

One happy doggie.

did you know…

That Palmetto bugs can FLY!?

Palmetto bugs are basically giant roaches.  And by giant I mean HUGE.  But, they aren’t “dirty” roaches.  These ones are the water bug ones.  And where there is water, we have them. blech.  They usually hang out outside, but when it gets cooler, they tend to come into the house.

Well, in case you didn’t know, I hate bugs.  Like, really hate bugs. Like terrified of them.  Especially roaches.  They are gross.  Creepy.  FAST. uuughhhh.  I shudder just thinking about them.

Anyway, we can usually tell if we have a bug in the house.

The cats go nuts.

Well, Monday night, we heard Lynx meow that weird hunting meow cats do.  I look over at Lynx…see that he is looking up towards the ceiling, and lo and behold, there is a GIANT ROACH ON THE WALL.  I immediately say, “OMG JEB LOOK AT THAT!”  Jeb starts laughing because it was so big and I start moving out of the way so Jeb can kill it.  Once I stood up, it started FLYING!  I then proceeded to jump across two couches in less than a second yelling,  “IT IS FLYING! I DIDN’T KNOW THEY COULD FLY!!!!!!”

It then proceeded to fly into the bathroom while Jeb went to grab the bug killer.  He goes into the bathroom and comes out laughing saying, “I hope you bought some new toothbrushes.”  Ew.  It was crawling all over my new toothbrushes!  Luckily I had backups.  Finally, Jeb was able to kill the sucker.

Ugh.  Palmetto bugs.

Creepiest things ever.

always in the way

This is what you get…

…when you try and burrow in the sheets as I am trying to strip the bed.

greeted with a smile

Once again, I apologize for the lack of posting.  I haven’t really had that much to blog about recently.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day weekend.  We were quite busy this weekend.  But, I still had some time to visit my parents.  And Frank.  He always greets with a smile.  🙂

i love finding old pictures

Lynx when he was a baby kitteh.  So cute!

nice things

When you have pets, you just cannot have anything nice.   Or at least fur-free.

I bought some throw rugs this weekend.  And of course, the first thing Shirley does is lay on them.

I also put my bed skirt back on my bed, but, like before, it is covered in dog hair once again.   Shirley will lean up against something, then slide down the item she is leaning on and lay down. SO. ANNOYING.

bad bad dog

Shirley has been so bad recently.  She loves tearing up paper from the bathroom trash.

(used to be) sweet kitty

I was just looking at some older pictures.

I wish Lynx was still this sweet.   He has become a bit more…aggressive recently.  Or maybe my hand and my dresser and entertainment center just tastes good to him now.

i would like to take a moment….

…to apologize for the lack of posting  (for those few who read).

There just is not anything very exciting happening with the Britton pets lately.


kitties love the sun.

Luci actually hung out with us this weekend!